Whenever anyone else says Vanessa Bruno, a part of me melts. Partly from the reminder of the way her clothes feel when on your skin and partly because of the way it makes you feel when you cant walk out of the shop with the whole collection! Vanessa Bruno just showed at Paris Fashion Week, […]
Vanessa Bruno 2010 Fall Collection
Whenever anyone else says Vanessa Bruno, a part of me melts. Partly from the reminder of the way her clothes feel when on your skin and partly because of the way it makes you feel when you cant walk out of the shop with the whole collection! Vanessa Bruno just showed at Paris Fashion Week, and yep, its yummy. Marls and knits, leather floppy hats, silks in grey and dusty pink, little booties with stud attachments, sheer pants and knicker bocker pants, i could keep oing but you just need to get onto the images! I will have one of each please xx
Images Style.com