Tuesday’s Tune: Big Pink
George Harrison was impressed by the album’s musicianship and sense of camaraderie, and Roger Waters has called it the second “most influential record in the history of rock and roll” (after Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band) and that it “affected Pink Floyd deeply, deeply, deeply.”
Composed inside ‘Big Pink’ – a house the band lived in located upstate of New York, The Band dedicated their debut album’s title to the house, recognisable for its colour.
The original LP cover (pictured below) was painted by Bob Dylan, a colourful abstraction of the members of The Band playing their instruments as he saw them. Dylan, who contributed to the composition and writing of a few songs on the album, also used the basement of Big Pink – from which the famous The Basement Tapes were created.
So, aside from the fact that I have a bit of crush on Levon Helm (circa ’68), this whole album is also a very good reason to listen to The Band. Enjoy!