This Long Century
This Long Century provides regular profiles on some of the most important and influential people of our time. Differing from most publications in that these profiles are not in the form of Q&A, but rather personal stories from the contributors themselves.
This month sees 5 new updates to the site from contributors including Ari Marcopoulos, Peter Sutherland, Eric Parker, Marilyn Minter, Terence Koh, and Gerard Malanga amongst others. If you haven’t seen the site before, you’ll be stuck there for hours, excuse us if the updates are a little slow over the coming hours.
“THIS LONG CENTURY is an ever-evolving collection of personal insights from artists, authors, filmmakers, musicians and cultural icons the world over. Bringing together such intimate work as sketchbooks, personal memorabilia, annotated typescripts, short essays, home movies and near impossible to find archival work, THIS LONG CENTURY serves as a direct line to the contributers themselves.”
Source SlamxHype