I can’t remember where I found this image above but as soon as I saw it reminded me immediately of an image I had taken last year. The images above is called ‘iceland’ which I am assuming is where it was taken, my image below was taken in The Mount, on the east coast of New Zealand during a weekend away last year. There is this rock, well, more like a small island in the middle of the white sanded beach. You can walk up over it until you get to the taller end where you get this magnificent view of the ocean with nothing else in front of you. So this is where this is.
Anyway, it reminded me of of a quote I had read last week in Apartamento magazine from an Interior designer named Philip Crangi, where he talked about artists executing an idea before someone else which I found really interesting….
“At first you’re like ‘oh, they’re knocking me off’, but I don’t really think that way. I think we’re all kind of connected, that there’s kind of an evolution of aesthetic, of creativity. I’ll be working on something, and I’ll see that someone else is working on the same thing. I don’t know that person and they’re in Japan and I’m in New York, but we’re responding in exactly the same way to the world that we live in. That makes me feel like I am doing the right thing. It makes me realize that I’m connected to something bigger, I’m on trend, as they say!
That is the thing that pushes you forward, ’cause the you’re like ‘oh, this doesn’t look like me anymore’, so your pushed to make something new. I was going to make it but can now move to the next idea. It’s like I don’t have to make it- they made it.”