Sherie Muijs Summer T-Shirt No. 20

Sherie Muijs‘ summer is about enjoying the extra hours of sunshine in the day, taking time to reenergise and relax. It’s about pancakes for breakfast at lunchtime; the sun’s reflection wobbling in the water; an afternoon’s worth of hunger giving in to hotdogs at the tuck shop (with all the toppings please). Sherie Muijs’ new summer t-shirts have arrived, available in three new colourways: Buttermilk, Dijon and Ice Blue, created in collaboration with textile designer Marta Buda. Delicious.












Images by Ophelia Mikkelson
Art Direction by Yasmine Ganley
Models Charlee and Jaclyn Passi of Unique Models
Mother & Sun by Ryder Jones
Sunscreen by Essone