Monday’s Muse: The Twist
The real story behind that wonderful scene in Pulp Fiction; “the twist scene”, with Uma Thurman and John Travolta.
She was dreading having to dance with John Travolta, she says, “because I was so awkward and embarrassed and shy.” Tarantino had written the scene before Travolta was officially in the movie, but now it was the star of Saturday Night Fever, fat and 40, who was on the floor once again.
‘Quentin recommended the Twist,” remembers Travolta. “And I said, ‘Well, Little Johnny Travolta won the Twist contest when I was eight years old, so I know every version. But you may add other novelty dances that were very special in the day.’ He said, ‘What do you mean?’ I said, ‘There was the Batman, the Hitchhiker, the Swim, as well as the Twist.’ And I showed them to him, and he loved them. I said, ‘I’ll teach Uma the steps, and when you want to see a different step, call it out.’ ” Tarantino then filmed the scene right on the dance floor with a handheld camera, calling out, “Watusi! Hitchhiker! Batman!”
A brilliant read for all Tarantino fans (here)