Monday’s Muse: Tauba Auerbach
You could say it has graphic design roots, you could say it’s a little painterly. Sometimes it feels quite techy and other times very organic. This wonderful mash of visuals and reference is what makes the works of New York-based artist Tauba Auerbach so damn captivating.
A scrambling or unscrambling of linguistics, lettering, linear patterns and mathematics cohesively reworked to create new, unbranded, almost unidentified ideas. Her ‘fold paintings’ are beautifully bare, open to reflection, change and possibility. No brash, clumsy statements being made, just precise and poetic undertones put out into the world to be taken as they will.
For a modern artist, I like this approach. Tauba feels like she would be a very specific person. She would have favourites and routines but these would involve a certain looseness in execution. Above all she has an eye – for line, for colour and for reason, and that’s what makes her a modern muse… I can’t wait to see what she makes next.