Monday’s Muse: Peggy Oki
Peggy Oki is one inspiring babe. The only female to be part of the 70’s American skateboard team Zephyr, she carved her way alongside the boys of Dogtown and into the limelight of Skateboarder Magazine. Matching their physicality and fearlessness to both skateboarding and surfing, Peggy gained entry into the “boys club” by bringing her own style to the pavement. You could pick her out of any skate competition with her long, flowing hair and her carving hand-slide, nicknamed the “burt slide” after the team attempted to copy the surfer’s “cut back”.
But to really paint the picture of how this Californian goddess operates, and why you should love her too, these days Peggy Oki spends her time these days surfing, making art and is an environmental activist. (Girl crush)