I picked up this copy of Architectural Digest, April 1983, from a second hand store up north a few months back, along with a leather and brass letter holder and a painting of three Japanese girls dancing in traditional dress. The cover of the magazine first caught my attention as I’m a sucker for faded […]
Monday’s Muse: Architectural Digest April 1983
I picked up this copy of Architectural Digest, April 1983, from a second hand store up north a few months back, along with a leather and brass letter holder and a painting of three Japanese girls dancing in traditional dress. The cover of the magazine first caught my attention as I’m a sucker for faded yellow and marble, and as I flicked through I saw an article on David Hockney- sold.
For Monday’s Muse today on AnyOneGirl I thought I would share the inside adverts and images from the magazine because some of them are so good. It’s a pity you can’t smell that old-paper-smell through these images too.