Moles and Molars
Flicking through pages of fashion mags can leave me a little cold sometimes. Too-cool-for-school stances, long somber faces, and an attitude that says something along the lines of “I heavily dislike my life”, all override any potential moments to immerse myself in the actual clothing and its beauty.
…Come on, baby, we wanna see you smile!
Head knocked back far enough to see that bare little patch of skin under your chin – the same spot where buttercups dictate your love of butter, that cute little scrunching of your nose, shoulders giggling, and your fringe out of place. Show me what your dentist’s bill is worth!
I wanna fall in love with the girl who commands presence, a girl who is graceful enough to be open, curious and human. Let’s celebrate the girls who are strong enough to laugh at themselves, intelligent enough to know what they want, and humble enough to be real.
Youth is a beautiful thing. Let’s not complicate the shit out of it.
{Image: Girls in Braces for Comme des Garcons A/W 1988 campaign.}