Marianne Mueller
Marianne Mueller ‘Because the pictures I see don’t exist’.
Bodies are curious. Sometimes they don’t match up with people, I find that unsettling. Some people seem to use them, other people seem to live in them, and others are not at home in them. • Body and clothing. Clothing is important, clothing as protection and shell. Pleating, plied, multiplied and repeated. Presence – absence, body – soul. • Nudity as clothing? Skin as an incorruptible teller of stories. Where an entire life is stored. • Things or bodies attract me when they have an aura while alluding to opposites as well – banality to the sublime, modesty to the heroic or glamorous. A purpose against the background of purposelessness. • The periphery, the sidelines contain the core – do margins and places on the fringe automatically shift to centre stage through focus?
source: image and text AmericanSuburbx
Photographs by Marianne Mueller. With texts by Bice Curiger, Martin Jaeggi, Marianne Mueller.