Langley Fox Hemingway
“I was always the weird person in the family, style-wise. Like, my sister [Dree] and I are almost two years apart. She’s older, but she never dyed her hair; I guess I was more ‘tomboy’ and strange than she was when we were younger. I remember in high school, she started wearing foundation, powder, bronzer, whatever, but I didn’t really get into it. I just wore eyeliner and mascara, once I figured out how to put it on. But I like putting on makeup because I like to draw—I’m an illustrator—so I see it as decorating my face.
One of the reasons I cut my hair short is because Scout from [the film] To Kill a Mockingbird is a pretty ongoing beauty inspiration. But I couldn’t do her haircut exactly because I have texture in my hair and she has straight little hair. Then, I did Rooney Mara bangs, which was awesome, but my bangs just started to grow, so I figured, let them do their thing; I like to change my hair up.
I also use tea tree oil a lot. I don’t use deodorant, but sometimes I use a bit of tea tree oil. I don’t know if it’s an actual deodorant, but it makes me smell like tea tree oil! I’ve never used deodorant; my mother doesn’t use it, either. I don’t smell, so I don’t want to use anything. And sometimes my B.O. is kind of floral, I don’t know why. [Laughs] What else do I do that’s strange…well, I use Edge Shave Gel, because my dad left it in the shower. Is that weird?”
As told to Into The Gloss