Kelly Allen ‘Everything Is Everything’ Solo Exhibition
Having recently moved from Grand Rapids (Michigan) to San Francisco, painter Kelly Allen has developed her very own unique style which I am really liking! Kelly’s paintings are at such a high point of fine detail, to the point where they look almost photo-realistic that they commonly get confused for collage, when in fact they are all painted by hand. They are colorful bursts of her imagination with such a high energy and impact on paper. I also really the juxtapositioning of her image content and the way she assembles them all together, it’s refreshing and exciting to see.
Opening on March 19th at Medicine Agency is her now solo show entitled ‘Everything Is Everything’.
Medicine Agency 1262 Mason Street, SF CA 8pm. Wish I could go! I think she will definitely be one to keep an eye on!
“Life is amazing, mysterious, and rich with beauty and knowledge. It is also filled with opportunities to develop wisdom, which, at its deepest level, provides peace of mind and spirit. My work is here for you to awaken your imagination, spark your curiosity, and find connections between creatures and forms. Here you can be released from the constraints of time and obligation. Invent your own connections, or just look closely.” – Kelly Allen
See video of her making of works below, it is really outstanding!
Kelly Allen at Medicine Agency March 19th from Medicine Agency on Vimeo.
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