Jalouse April 2010 Issue Zippora Seven
For me, it started with the salty-haired surfer girl with sun kissed skin of the 90’s, now that same girl has been replaced with the moccasin wearing, dark, flowing Pocahontas-esque hair and layers of aztec colored scarves and turbans to keep the harsh rays off her skin. I think it is nice to have a wholesome, down to earth role model to look up to. A girl that loves to be comfortable and cool and most importantly, easy to hang out with. I love when girls keep in mind the functionality of fashion and not just ‘have’ to wear something because of what it stands for or what culture they think they are buying themselves into.
That is an interesting one.. the way brands can trap you into a sense of buying into a scene or a culture or a movement. You buy it because of the overall aesthetic the brand expels to you, which of course you are drawn to via advertisment and product placement or even celebrity association. Purchasing a garment (or whatever) gives the buyer a sense of attachment and even acceptance into the brand’s world. Reality is, buying an Alexander Wang T line tee-shirt does not make you instantly cool enough to hang out with Freja Beha.
I think there is something sexy and very stylish about a girl who can pull together an outfit that is fresh and unique without having to resort to over priced branded stock. To look just as cool but doing it her own way. It almost seems lazy to buy into fashion house brands. I understand the whole ‘buying a staple piece’ from someone. I do. I know it looks better, lasts longer and feels nicer to wear. I just think it is interesting to notice how many of us swoon over so many products.
What I am trying to say is Be yourself, Be comfortable and Be UNIQUE xxx because we love you like that xxx
Anyway… back to my lovely Aztec girl x Lets hang out with her via these images from Jalouse April 2010 issue.