Ivan. C
“I am a visual artist from México, with experience in both commercial and conceptual visual art creation, my work goes from digital photography collages to experimental graphic mix media, all combined with a strong conceptual background for each of my creations.”
“I believe now art should be ¨Cosa Virtuale¨, with technology not leading the ideas, but setting free all the visual possibilities for the interpretation of reality. I believe all the visual experiences should be liquefied in one holistic organism of illusions.”
I love the explanations from artist Ivan. C above, talking about visual “possibilities” for art via the digital media, rather than having your artwork absorbed by advancement of new technologies and in turn loosing the essence of your message and work.
The works from Ivan.C are beautiful. They are a perfect example of what he stands for. I like how you can sense the control he has had over his work, a nice balance between new-media and core-messages. He has technically used what he has needed to use but no more. The colors and compositions are amazing. These are my favorites below.
Images above ‘White Coffins & Forward Dreams’
‘No Floor After That’
‘The Dark is the Fatality, the Sex’