Front Room Gallery presents Cassi A Namoda’s first solo exhibition…
Island of Earth by Cassi A Namoda
In a series of lucid watercolors, Namoda rescripts memories, stories and events from the years she spent living in rural and urban Mozambique. The paintings are based on subjective recollection and evoke tendencies of intimacy and naturalness. The body of work that forms the basis of Island of Earth combines fragmentary narratives with macabre, folkloric and dream-like elements adapted from oral traditions and everyday life in Lusophone Africa. The exhibition is supplemented by a presentation of Mapiko masks. Traditionally used in initiation rites, where ancestral spirits return wearing the masks, Namoda’s inclusion of these objects reinforces the central role of ancestry in her life and work.
Sagrada Familia II, 2017
Gouache on paper
Baptism in Matola, 2017
Watercolor on paper
Sagrada Familia, 2017
Watercolor on paper
Outside The Witchdoctor’s House in Nicuadala, 2017
Watercolor on paper
Fishermen of Mozambique, 2017
Watercolor on paper
Island of Earth is on show at
Meghan Wallace James’ Front Room Gallery
6516 West 6th Street, West Hollywood