I cant work out if the revival of late 60’s- 70’s esque interior design is relevant. I like it, but that’s because I like the 60’s. I like the relaxed, warm materials such as wood and cane and lots of plans hanging, tonal colors like sand, mushroom, pecan, darker greens… But is it really where interior design should be heading? I get the way fashion cycles run through the decades trends time and time again, and it makes sense for interior to have similar trends, I just don’t know how Stark would judge someone if they came up with this almost backward idea fro design. Of course, well, I hope that, the new products have been modified with our new intelligence toward design and functionality. But is this enough. Im not sure of the answer, nor do I know if I want to know the answer, I guess I like it and that’s enough for now. I’ll leave it to the experts. In the meantime – enjoy my favorite rooms below xx