Ines Nepomuceno ‘End of a Meal’ Still Life photography. “Pose or photographic instantaneity” was the general theme for the final project of photograhy. This project was developed on the rejection of the instantaneity preconized by Cartier Bresson, focusing more in the memory and encenation of the reality. This photos are all taken in studio with […]
Ines Nepomuceno ‘End of a Meal’ Still Life
Ines Nepomuceno ‘End of a Meal’ Still Life photography.
“Pose or photographic instantaneity” was the general theme for the final project of photograhy.
This project was developed on the rejection of the instantaneity preconized by Cartier Bresson, focusing more in the memory and encenation of the reality. This photos are all taken in studio with an analogical camera and associated with a ritual of photographing the rest of my meals, like a still life paint. The banality of this food was transformed by the medium and the not-interesting moment of the end of the meal became immortal and memorable.