Helmut Newton’s Machine At Top Shop
Shoppers at Top Shop’s flagship store in Oxford Street will have the opportunity to try out the visionary machine developed by Helmut Newton on June 10th. “The Machine has a timing mechanism, which can be adjusted by the sitter. A mirror is placed next to the camera so she can check her pose, a strobe light is connected to my magic box, before each exposure a bell rings and a warning light blinks: all this designed to keep the model on her toes and keep her excited ” says Newton.
People will be invited to try out the machine for free and with nail touch-ups by Nars and a rack of TopShop clothes at their disposal, and the resulting images will be displayed in a gallery within the store, as well as online at topshop.com, the stores fans will be living their own Newton experience. And if that wasn’t enough of an experience, there will be some of Newtons famous photography lining the walls to give you inspiration for your very own poise !! Get strutting!
Info: Vogue UK