Friday Feels Like: China Cat Sunflower
According to the Mayan “Long Count” calendar we were supposed to all “spiritually die” today. But, we all woke up and the day seems pretty normal so far, non?
To celebrate the fact that we all stretched out our possible last week on earth just in case it really was going to be the end, I am dedicating The Grateful Dead’s, China Cat Sunflower, song to today for AnyOneGirl’s Friday Feels Like. The song’s lyrics are written by Robert Hunter, of which Jerry Garcia says “Of course they doesnt make sense. They’re not supposed to. They’re just words. But, when you look out into the faces in the crowd, you can tell they know what you’re talking about”. Seems fitting for today’s hype, right?
Merry Xmas everyone! Make sure you go and spend every day of your holidays like it was your last!
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