After his latest interview and feature on Slamxhype‘s New Order Magazine and Obama propoganda posters, David Choe has really taken over…… even in your sleep! by creating this latest ”Hair-do” pillow for San Francisco streetwear brand Upper Playground. With the tag line attached…. ”There comes a time in everyone’s life where they need to […]
David Choe’s Hairdo Pillow
After his latest interview and feature on Slamxhype‘s New Order Magazine and Obama propoganda posters, David Choe has really taken over…… even in your sleep! by creating this latest ”Hair-do” pillow for San Francisco streetwear brand Upper Playground. With the tag line attached…. ”There comes a time in everyone’s life where they need to get a little David Choe: shoot steroids in their arm to run across the border, hitch hike to Alaska, swim in a river in Africa, paint with their own blood or just lean on a David Choe pillow. That may be easier for you.” You can buy one for yourself here.
Thanks to PaperMag for the info