Charlotte Kidd Interview
Hillbilly Magazine catches up with photographer Charlotte Kidd and discusses her start and enduring love for photography as well as the current and future plans for ‘Kidd Yellin’.
Hillbilly : When did you initially become interested in photography? Was there a specific image or photographer that perhaps moved you or influenced you into wanting to take pictures?
Charlotte Kidd : It was more default then that. My mother gave me a 35 mm and put me in darkroom class when I was 10 and I just took to it.
Hillbilly : Is there a specific mood or feeling you hope to accomplish or get across in your photos?
Charlotte Kidd : Oh. Well, I guess I just like finding the areas where the surface breaks down—-like in math functions when you can no longer properly map a trajectory-it just falls off. So, more simply, finding the grace and beauty in what is traditionally thought as ugly and finding the brutality and cracks in beauty.
Hillbilly : What can you tell us about Kidd Yellin and what you hope to accomplish with the facility.
Charlotte Kidd : Sure, it was envisioned as creative think tank. A sort of interdisciplinary working place for artists to try out ideas—space can be hard to come by in New York, and everyone can work so sequestered that this was aimed as a locus for ideas. Studios, educational components, residencies and a gallery space to show the work of people connected. Down the line, I will probably form a non-profit. I’m also thinking of connecting it with farms upstate for artist-residencies. I’d like to a landscape garden facility on the roof as well.
Text by Lusher. Photos by Charlotte Kidd
Read full interview here