For its 4th edition, ‘A Shaded View On Fashion Film’ or the international festival of short fashion films will take place at the Pompidou Centre from the 7th to the 9th of October. Organized by the iconic Diane Pernet, the jury of distinguished guests such as the actress Rossy de Palma, the journalist Elisabeth Quin will award prizes to a busy schedule.
The short fashion film is a kind that is growing. The brands and designers today are no longer content to translate their world and their values through a simple look book. The clothes are now staged as a shooting motion. This is the new way to communicate. However, ASVOFF goes further and search for movies convey a story, emotions, something that finally has a meaning other than something beautiful.
Centre George Pompidou
Le 7, 8 et 9 octobre
Le programme ici
Source: Des Jeunes Gens Modernes