Closets are an interesting place. A lot of secrets and trick of the trades are revealed when one’s closet is opened. (Excuse the continuous puns here). Ashley Olsen is regarded as one of the biggest fashion muses of our time. With a very natural approach to fashion the famous twins claim they never look at […]
Ashley Olsen | Inside Her Closet
Closets are an interesting place. A lot of secrets and trick of the trades are revealed when one’s closet is opened. (Excuse the continuous puns here). Ashley Olsen is regarded as one of the biggest fashion muses of our time. With a very natural approach to fashion the famous twins claim they never look at fashion magazines and that their inspiration comes from old films and musicians. Apart from all of that, these images are really pretty. Im not sure that this would actually be her closet but they are nice images and I thought I would share.
Images IKWYW