“I am the pedlar of chimaeras, the pedlar of simian dreams, of arachnid deliriums…I am the trickster, a trickster with overpainted photos, distorting enlargements, overprintings, out-of-focus close-ups, concatenated images, distorting lenses…I am the teller of lies, the messenger of false premonitions, of dubious loves, of suspect memories, the woman who tames paper spiders…” Annette Messager […]
Annette Messager “Mes voeux sous filet” 1997
“I am the pedlar of chimaeras, the pedlar of simian dreams, of arachnid deliriums…I am the trickster, a trickster with overpainted photos, distorting enlargements, overprintings, out-of-focus close-ups, concatenated images, distorting lenses…I am the teller of lies, the messenger of false premonitions, of dubious loves, of suspect memories, the woman who tames paper spiders…”
Annette Messager “Mes voeux sous filet”, 1997
image Lurve.notes